Thursday 1 June 2017

Is it worth having a home phone anymore?

Image result for picture sitting on fence
Am I being old fashioned in having both a landline phone and a mobile?

A number of friends are quite content with just a mobile and I can see the attraction each month, as my phone usage is a fraction of the allowance on each phone. There is no carry over, so I am paying afresh each month for two services that I could otherwise take six months to exhaust.

But, my home phone is linked to my internet line so I need that to use a computer with a decent sized screen and keyboard, not the tiny picture and finger torturing pop up of a mobile. I read that you can now get internet only deals without a monthly line rental. True, but they cost more than the dual deal in most cases. How so? Don't ask me. I assume the companies want to keep their turnover up so build the line rental into the deal rather than showing it separately.

Not that the decision is going to be only down to money. The home phone is a guaranteed signal quality which is more suitable for the hard of hearing and can have bigger buttons for the visually impaired. There are the more difficult to quantify advantages of that big, clunky handset, with it's tactile handling nestling on the erotic zones around the ear. And those big finger poke-able buttons that click satisfyingly like staccato music notes.

The mobile has its ergonomic, slithery sleek styling, of course, making it the cigarette substitute of hand plaything in public. Which is part of it's addictive attraction, to be constantly displayed, thumbed into action and watched with feigned concentration as though a friends breakfast or their cat's antics could be life changing events. In competition, the home phone becomes a mundane artifact, to be used only when necessary, the pedestrian great aunt to the world travelling youngster.

 An essential safety tool when the torch is deployed or a photo is needed. A useless piece of plastic when the battery expires.

So, there you have it. Another dilemma needing you opinion. Do I go all mobile or stick with the two phone option?                                                                        

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to stick to both. After all, I once thought that vinyl records were a thing of the past but now, they're all the rage, so what would I know? I'm going to hedge my bets and keep both!
