Friday 25 March 2022

 Have we missed something? 


If there are as many planets in space as grains of sand on a beach, then what are the chances of some form of life existing on a number of them?  

Of course, every sci-fi writer knows the answer to that one. There are an infinite number of possible forms of life just waiting to be discovered, or to discover us.  So, the question is not is there another form of life out there in space, it is what the Hell will be our reaction to it when it appears? 

Given the propensity for humanity to closet itself in little groups called nations, and to selectively look back in history to justify arming itself against invasion or to ‘take back’ land it once controlled, what are the chances of extending a friendly hand to creatures who may have no hands? 

About zilch, I would guess. And if it happened now, this sudden appearance of unknown craft, what would be the chances of Putin and Biden becoming best buddies in the face of a possible exterior threat? Again, about zilch, because they would both declare that the aliens were an invention of the other side and try to blast them from the skies. 

Which could be a mistake, if the aliens had so much more advanced technology than humans, which had enabled them to find us, maybe they would have worked out that mankind had not yet reached that stage of civilisation where killing one another had died out. They could deflect, return or react aggressively to any attack. Whatever the response would not be good news for humans. Or they could just fly away and reflect on our backwardness, appointing a flypast in another hundred years to see if things had improved. 

Perhaps they have already. 


Colin Payn 


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